Three heads, one idea...
Our MusiKKlub is a weekly series of concerts on the market square in Schwerin. From May to September - every Tuesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. - we organize concerts with artists and bands from MV.
Singer/songwriter, jazz ensemble, string quartet, skipper's choir and rock band - we offer everyone a stage. An "Ataraxia Stage" as a window into the work of the youth art school will be our show opener.
The MusiKKlub wants to culturally revitalize the old town market as the heart of downtown Schwerin.
In addition to the live concerts, we also want to give our bands a stage on the web so that they can get in touch with each other or with other organizers. Gradually a musical map with portraits of the performing artists should be created.
Carsten Stotco organizes the music in the club. He was born in Schwerin and loves his small town on the water dearly. Musically diverse - from a cappella to funk to jazz - he has been officially allowed to use the title "Landesrockmeister" since 2008.
Among other things, he is a co-founder of the well-loved Jazzkombüse, a regular jam session for jazz lovers in and around Schwerin. As music editor at NDR, he knows the musical preferences of his compatriots and he is particularly interested in the regional bands from MV.
Martin Neuhaus does the PR in the club. He loves to push projects and cause trouble - because there is already enough peace in Schwerin. Also in the marketplace. It has to liven up - thinks the studied actor and musician, who moved to Schwerin again in 2016 and is still deeply in love with the little town.
Martin can be seen in the acting ensemble of the Mecklenburg State Theater and occasionally on television. And of course in the Löwen - the small day bar he looks after - the direct neighbor of the MusiKklub.